

Saudi Arabia

2918 Omar Lbn Abdul
6148 Al Zahra Dist.
Riyadh 12812
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

0203 6374180


‘The Design Review Panel’ Assesses SBA’s Design Aspirations On A Recently Completed NPPF Paragraph 55 Development

‘The Design Review Panel’ Assesses SBA’s Design Aspirations On A Recently Completed NPPF Paragraph 55 Development

5 March 2018

‘The Design Review Panel’ have revisited SBA’s recently completed Paragraph 55 House, Oat Errish, to see if the intended Design and Planning aspirations have been met.

Click here to read the full review, including the clients experience of working with The Design Review Panel.

To see more images of the project on our website, please view our project page for Oat Errish Farm, Blackdown Hills.