

Saudi Arabia

2918 Omar Lbn Abdul
6148 Al Zahra Dist.
Riyadh 12812
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

0203 6374180


SBA’s Beamish Museum Project Takes Shape

SBA’s Beamish Museum Project Takes Shape

29 July 2019

The Northern General Transport bus depot at Beamish Museum is starting to take shape!

As part of the Remaking Beamish project, SBA have been involved in the design of a bespoke bus depot and workshop to accomodate up to eight buses in a publicly-accessible space, as well as a dedicated historic vehicle maintenance workshop, complete with service pit and car lift.

Due to the varying ages of the buses that will be housed in the depot, the building will be a 1930s/1940s style with colour scheme that reflects the Northern General Transport Company – whose name will appear on the timber panels, along with an original clock from a local depot.

The bus depot has kindly been supported by Go North East and Reece Foundation. The Remaking Beamish project has been awarded £10.9m by The National Lottery Heritage Fund.