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Architects Group Lead Design on New Climbing Centre

Architects Group Lead Design on New Climbing Centre

5 December 2024


Architects Group have been instructed to draw up plans for a new climbing centre in Morpeth, Northumberland. Originally opened in 1926 as a cinema, the Coliseum was once an important building in Morpeth town centre. The building has since fallen into disrepair, but ambitious redevelopment plans by Architects Group hope to transform and regenerate this historic building.

EP Climbing, the company responsible for the Tokyo (2021) and Paris (2024) Olympic climbing walls, are developing concept layouts for the main climbing space. The intention is for the new centre to become a key community asset for fitness, training, competitions, events and children’s activities. In order to accommodate these functions, the proposals are to include a shop, café, gym and flexible studio space alongside its primary use as a bouldering gym, attracting a range of visitors to the centre.

Architects Group are excited to be involved in such a transformative project, for the benefit of the local and wider community. Indoor climbing has seen a surge in popularity in recent years, and we hope to be at the forefront of regenerative developments, such as this, and lead the way in health and community focused projects.

Image Credit: EP Climbing